Sunday, 9 September 2012

Welcome and first entry

Hello and welcome to our new blog.

Jamie and I have recently celebrated our fourth wedding anniversary and are expecting a beautiful bundle of joy! We're going to be parents. That's just mind-blowing! This blog will be a place to see pictures and read about all the updates. We are excited to share our news with you, especially once the baby is born. We'll have a brand new member of our family and discover the baby's gender. What a big day that will be!

The due date is on October 9th, making me 36 weeks and counting. But with my gestational diabetes, it is likely that they will induce me early. So stay tuned for big updates.

The doctors and midwives are all saying that the baby and I are doing well right now. I'm going for an ultrasound every week, reporting my glucose blood tests weekly and seeing medical professionals on a very regular basis. I have a team of three midwives, an OB-GYN, an endocrinologist, a dietician, a chiropractor that specializes in pregnant women and a registered massage therapist. Thank goodness for health coverage and a benefit plan.

Life sure is busy. I'm attending all those appointments, taking prenatal yoga classes, preparing for a newborn, and walking our dog, Sadie, for at least thirty minutes a day. Jamie is working full-time, including producing a trade show, producing the haunted hay ride that he's been doing in Leamington for several years now, giving Sadie her second walk for the day, and also prepping for the baby and fatherhood. With all of that, he also recently sanded and painted a dresser that we're making into a change table.

We're still working on the nursery. I know. We're running out of time! It will get done... enough. People have been very generous and for months we've been getting baby items to help us out. Thank you!

On the holiday Monday, we had what I'm calling 'baby bump pics' done with a great photographer, Angie Griffith. We'll post some pics when we get them.

Oh, hey, the baby just started that rhythmic movement that means he or she is practicing breathing or hiccupping. I'm not sure if I can tell the difference. But it's a really neat feeling.

That's all for now. Thanks for reading our blog. :)

This picture was taken in June 2012.                                      

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